First level

Veronica Tkachenko. Fashion Astrology. How to create an individual style. — M.: KONEKM, 2019. In electronic format. ISBN 978-5-901889-23-7

About the author

Veronica Tkachenko is a well-known astrologer, Member of the Russian Journalist Union, head of the project, the founder of a new direction: Fashion and Beauty Astrology.

For whom

For fans of fashion and style.

For astrology enthusiasts.

For stylists and image makers.

For lovers of original solutions.

Required level of training

Knowing your cosmogram.


4 lectures.

What will you get

Author’s materials: lectures and slides intended for self-study. The texts are written in a lively, colloquial language that creates the full effect of presence. At the end of each lecture, there is a homework assignment that must be completed. You will learn how to create an individual style based on your cosmogram. You will be able to put into practice the knowledge of the elements of the zodiac style, find your color, silhouette, type of fabrics, prints and patterns, use your branded items and clothing details, choose the right accessories. You will learn how to work with sites for stylists, make sets of clothes for yourself and your friends.

If you have any questions, you can contact the course author.


Veronica Tkachenko

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Special course by Veronica Tkachenko «Fashion Astrology. How to create an individual style»

First level


Lecture 1.

Introduction. Special course: three levels of training. Fashion and individual style – what is more important. How to find your style. What is an individual style for an image maker and an astrologer. How fashion astrology helps to create an individual style. Cycles of Jupiter in fashion and the search for style solutions. The logic of building a wardrobe. Homework.

Lecture 2.

Sites for compiling sets of clothes. Zodiac signs and elements of style: projection on the human body, color, style, silhouette, materials, patterns, clothes, details, shoes, accessories. Homework.

Lecture 3.

Accessories for individual style according to the Zodiac signs. Accent zone. Examples. Black velvet bow by Tatyana Mikhalkova. Madeleine Albright and the language of her jewelry. Laima Vaikule and her hats, caps, berets and Co. Decorations. How to choose a ring according to your Zodiac sign. Handbags. Zodiacal classification of bags. How to choose how to wear. Homework.

Lecture 4.

Individual style, point of life and female archetypes: Daughter, Beloved, Mother. Zones of the Zodiac: Yin, Yang and Dan and stages of development of female individuality. Homework.


The principles of creating an individual style: the first level

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