The main feature of a fashion is that it passes. But it has also other important property is that it comes back, i.e. develops on a spiral. How to explain this phenomenon from the point of view of Fashion Astrology? For this purpose we can use spiral model in three-dimensional system of coordinates. If to straighten any site of this spiral we will receive a straight line. On its each piece simultaneous influence of the several planets having various duration of a cycle: from several years to tens and hundreds years is traced. They are imposed on pieces of this fashionable spiral, creating quantitative and qualitative changes in a fashion of the current period.

Cycles of planets, being reflected in our terrestrial life, inspire many artists and designers on revival of a retro-fashion and new interpretation of old styles. The relation to a fashion and feature of personal creativity also are connected with characteristics of an individual horoscope. One designer catch revolutionary vibrations of Uranus and excite consciousness, plunging into shock of consumers of a fashion, but another successfully work during all life in the tideway of the traditional classics, leaning against modest charm of Saturn.

Fashion Astrology successfully applies cycles of planets with various duration for fashion trend forecasting. Uranus cycle with duration 84 years allows to predict only approximate representation about a fashionable image. The 12-year cycle of Jupiter shows us more exact characteristics of a new fashion, taking into account a key silhouette and color scheme.

Fashion trend forecasting technique by using planet cycles has been presented in detail in Veronica Tkachenko’s report at XV Astrological Conference in October, 2010.

The most interesting and rich on repetitions is the cycle of Saturn duration of 30 years (more precisely, 29, 6 years). It makes about half of average human life. If in a youth you were subdued by any fashionable idea you have a chance to return to it at mature age. But here it is important to know, what period from the past it is necessary to address, otherwise it is possible to look old-fashioned and ridiculous. Such step of fashionable spiral duration of 30 years allows us to correct the esthetic predilections and to use life experience of the parents.

One of retro-fashion versions — retro-futurism or «returning in the future» — also is based on cycles by duration of 30 years. Cycles of Saturn inspire many fashion designers, stimulating them on search of new decisions in  cut lines, key silhouette, design features.

Why retro-tendencies revive? From the Fashion Astrology point of view, two variants are possible here:

1) If Saturn in a fashion horoscope has the weak space status (on elements and on a sign) the probability is high, what this fashion will come back again as though checking — how do you like this idea in the new version? Thanks to diligence of designers and possibilities of new technologies the retro-fashion becomes even more attractive.

2) If Saturn in a fashion horoscope has the strong space status (in the sign, in falling or in exaltation) at a following cycle of Saturn this tendency can seem to us too correct or even to the dullish. Nevertheless, the fashion of this period becomes gold classics.

Using spiral model allows us to receive the answer to diversified questions:

  • Why the retro-fashion comes back?
  • How many years should pass, that the fashion became again interesting and attractive for us?
  • What retro-tendencies will return to a fashion in the near future?
  • In what period it is necessary to search for inspiration to modern designers?
  • How to build your wardrobe correctly, not to look old-fashioned or excessively extravagant?

Certainly, for successful fashion forecasting it is necessary to consider variety of other factors. More in detail about it you can learn at Veronica Tkachenko’s special course «Fashion Astrology. How to predict fashion trends».