Jeans are the real champions of longterm-living. They have strongly located in our clothes and in our hearts. It seems, what it is possible to think up new in their construction or in using manner? What is the secret of unfading jeans popularity? Fashion Astrology has an answer to this question.
Whether the modest emigrant Levi from Ostrich could assume, that his invention will lay down in a basis of epoch-making clothes? Many modern designers should add to the arsenal those receptions and methods which have allowed Levi from Ostrich to create so popular subject of the clothes which have sustained serious time. The main thing — to appear in due time and in a proper place or, otherwise, correctly to use influences of planets.
Let’s consider a fashion horoscope of jeans on an example of the most known mark in the world — Levi’s. The first industrial party of jeans has been let out in 1850 and used a great demand. In some years the resourceful businessman has organised in San Francisco firm Levi Strauss and Co on working clothes tailoring. From the very beginning activity of this firm differed enviable foresight — all new products have been patented. Steel rivets was the last stroke which has created a definitive image of a child of Levi’s firm. On May, 20th, 1873 firm Levi Strauss and Co has obtained the license for an exclusive right of manufacture of trousers with rivets on pockets. Later, in 1886 on jeans Levi’s there was a well-known leather label with two horses, unsuccessfully trying to break off trousers. Thus, we can consider May, 20th, 1873 as official date of birth of jeans.
The horoscope of jeans (on May, 20th, 1873, San Francisko, 12:00 p.m.) is very unusual. There is stellium of Venus, Mercury, Pluto and Sun in Taurus. Sun in Taurus in fashion horoscope specifies in convenience and clothes practicality, Venus in connection with Mercury — on its popularity among representatives of the most different levels of population, and also on attractive and functional furnish. Pluto in Taurus shows an ability of jeans to various transformations.
At once the attention a considerable quantity of intense aspects draws. The opposition of conservative Saturn in Aquarius and revolutionary Uranus in Leo speaks about constant struggle between conservatism of jeans and any innovations. The opposition between Mars in Libra and Neptune in Aries shows susceptibility to ideological influence. For irresolute people jeans serve as an original psycho-stimulator and strengthen their self-trust. During the Second World War jeans were on sale only that who participated in military operations. But some years after jeans became the present uniform for hippie.
The quadrature of Jupiter in Leo and Pluto in Taurus shows ambitious character of jeans, their aspiration to force out all other forms of clothes. Trigone of Sun in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn speaks well about longterm-living of jeans. Moon in Pisces shows the emotional attitude to this subject of clothes — we use them during many years, till to appearance of holes, from them sew bags, rugs while, at last, will not settle all their possibilities. The opposition between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Leo in the horoscope of jeans shows the prospect of social adaptation. This is the same astrological key and perpetual motion machine that does not allow this fashionable idea to stagnate and contributes to its new birth. Every time a square and opposition is formed between these planets, we can expect a new wave of jeans to surge in popularity. You can easily calculate such periods yourself.
A tense aspect between Saturn and Uranus is a necessary condition for the revival of this fashionable idea in the future, but already on a new round of the fashionable spiral.
Saturn in Virgo influences new constructive lines (a cut on slanting are created, furnish of internal seams) and details (pockets, valves and stripes for a belt), and Uranus in Pisces strengthens emotional influence. Now there is a returning to well forgotten old — boiled jeans, the bananas, the overestimated waist (while Saturn «will not calm down» in Libra). Close relatives of jeans suach as jeans shirts, dresses, vests type the popularity simultaneously with our old acquaintance. This fashionable idea is very stable and viable, changes together with time and never loses the urgency.
This article was first published in 2009 and became part of Veronica Tkachenko’s report «A new classification of the Zodiac in the theory of fashion forecasting» at the XIV conference «Uranus in Pisces».