Eastern calendar is an ancient system of astronomical knowledge, which was the result of observing natural phenomena during centuries. The level of astronomy development in the East was far ahead of Europe. Even a thousand years before BC Chinese astronomers knew that the year can not be divided by a whole number of months. As a result, appropriate corrections for the duration of the lunar month and the solar year were made. Initially seasonal agricultural calendar, and then a cyclical calendar were developed that have become popular in China, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mongolia and other countries in Southeast Asia. For centuries, this calendar had an effect on the perception of time, created a symbolic images, formed a stable model of human behavior.
Cyclical calendar
In the ring system years combined in 60-year cycles. The whole cycle consists of five double-column («celestial branches»), corresponding to 5 elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.
Tree is passionate nature, with great imagination and gift of improvisation, is a poet, seized new ideas and calling for freedom. Fire is bright and clear, and, at the same time, the indomitable. It is a passionate, energetic person, a warrior who cleared destroying. Earth — this is common sense, self-interest, realism, hard work and fertility, the ability of the business and financial transactions. Slowness in this case is compensated by cunning. Metal is cold and categorical, as the law. It’s pretty harsh, strict loner capable as fanatical asceticism, and for long-term plans. Water is calm, deep, somewhat closed, associative more closer to the ice than to fertility. It operates on the importance of calm and without theatrics. The coincidence of the same sign and the element occurs once within 60 years (4 cycles of Jupiter).
In the verses of the Eastern calendar the idea of ??eternal interaction reflected — in accordance with the cycle of mutual-generation and mutual-inhibition. According to this concept, Wood gives Fire. Fire gives Earth that gives Metal. Metal, in turn, produces water, which again gives rise to Wood, etc. Each element has its own color: Wood — blue, Fire — red, Earth — yellow, Metal — white, Water — black.
In addition, the cycle is divided into 12 periods, so-called «terrestrial branches». Approximately two thousand years ago, each of them named. Why «terrestrial branches» became associated with the names of animals, the legend tells.
The legend of the Eastern calendar origin
Buddha invited some animals before leaving this world. In order to get to the place, it was necessary to cross the broad, turbulent river. Buddha presented one-year management for every animal in the order in which they appeared in front of him. Rat knew that swims bad and asked Bull to carry her. As they crossed the river, sly rat quickly ran op back of a bull and dropped to the ground in front of Buddha. It was the first of all the animals in the 12-year cycle. Bull was a little behind and became the second. After a while the tiger came. Tiger explained that he was taken down the rapid current of the river, and he had to run fast. Buddha gave him control of the third year. Suddenly there came a loud bang from a distance — a rabbit came. He said that he was crossing a river by jumping from rock to rock, but slipped. Luckily, he grabbed the log that had washed ashore. Rabbit was given the fourth year. Dragon flew the fifth. Buddha surprised, why such a powerful creature flew so late. Dragon explained that he had to make it rain in the area, where the land has dried completely. Then he saw the helpless rabbit, clinging to a log, and helped him to swim to shore. Buddha praised the benevolent dragon, and gave him fifth year. Then the sound of hoofs appeared, and there was a horse. When the horse stopped, the snake slipped off her feet. The appearance of snake frightened horse, and she pulled away. As a result, snake was the sixth, and horse — the seventh. Then the goat, monkey and rooster came along. They found a raft and crossed the river together. Buddha was very pleased and gave the eighth year for goat, the ninth year for monkey, and the tenth — for rooster. Dog was the eleventh animal. He explained that he swims very well, but it was impossible to refuse fully enjoy swimming. Pig was the last. She went out in advance and in a hurry, but was hungry and had to eat, and then also to sleep. Pig became the manager of the last year in the 12-year cycle.
So, the five elements and the twelve signs of the «terrestrial branches», alternating in pairs form the 60-year cycle. Symbolic images of 12 animals posted in our photo gallery in the order in which they follow each other in the Eastern horoscope.
Eastern and Western horoscope
European school astrologers do not have a common view about the compatibility of the Eastern and Western calendar, but most are inclined to the following analogy:
Rat — Aries
Bull —Taurus
Tiger — Lion
Rabbit — Pisces
Dragon — Aquarius
Snake — Scorpio
Horse — Sagittarius
Goat — Virgo
Monkey — Gemini
Rooster — Libra
Dog — Cancer
Pig — Sagittarius
As you know, the classic European horoscope constructed taking into account the exact time and place of birth. At the same time, many people believe that the Eastern horoscope is a description of the character of a person born in the Year of the Bull, Rat, etc., not more. It is misleading. Correct eastern horoscope can only make the recording of all data: year, month, day and hour of birth, which are subject to the same 60-year cycle. For the calculation of the horoscope traditional Chinese calendar, «Xia» (also called «Hundred Years» or «Millennial») is necessary. Sign of the day can be determined only by the calendar, because the chain of days runs from ancient times. Element is also the date of birth and can be determined only by the calendar. Therefore, eastern horoscope can be calculated only by a licensed professional in the field.
Fashion from East and West
The desire to find the connection between fashion and oriental calendar is most pronounced on the eve of the New Year. In the media there are numerous tips on how to choose clothes according to the nature of the manager of the Eastern horoscope. So the characters from well-known Buddhist legend become the vivid representations of the New Year. Obeying the popular press and pressure from big-name designers, we create our image with the slogan «Black Snake», «Red Rat» or «Tangerine Tiger». Why not? No one forbids us to play these games, because each of us is a child. Just do not forget that The New Year begins on January 1 and the Eastern New Year — on the first New Moon under Aquarius sign. Then it should be celebrated, but not in advance, mixing different things.
As shown studies by Veronica Tkachenko, Eastern horoscope has no significant impact on the European fashion.
Influence of the element on the fashionable color scheme also requires a detailed study. Color is one of the most important novelty factor in fashion. According to the Eastern calendar, the color reflects the element and repeated two years in a row: blue-blue, red-red, yellow-yellow, white-white, black-black. Such doubling does not feel new by definition.
Veronica Tkachenko’s studies show that the formation of fashionable colors depends on the configuration of the slow and social planets. Among them, the most important is Jupiter. His position in the Zodiac sign gives indications what color will be the most trendy. Sometimes the color of the ruler by the Eastern calendar becomes the dominant color in the European fashion. This happens in the case of coincidence of several factors: the elements, the nature of Zodiac signs and the influence of Jupiter in the sign. For example, the year of the Red Fire Rat, corresponds with Aries zodiacal sign (Jupiter in Capricorn), the most fashionable color was red. In the year of the Yellow Earthen Tiger the rage was all shades of yellow and gold. This year corresponds to Leo zodiacal sign (Jupiter in Taurus).
For those who wish to master the art of fashion forecasting, Veronica Tkachenko’s special course «Fashion Astrology. How to predict fashion trends». More in details: on the site Fashion-Astrology.com.